It’s that time of the year again

Regular readers will be aware how much I enjoy the annual NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge. Saunter through my previous posts to read my short stories that became finalists in 2017, 2021 and 2022. Here’s the lowdown: the competition consists of four rounds. Each round you are allocated to a group, consisting of fellow competitors…

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“Award-winning screenwriter”

I am excited to announce that just last month I (along with my co-writers James Edgar Lim and Zac Bridgman) won the Best Screenplay award at the Lights! Canberra! Action! short film festival. The short film, directed by Zac, was entitled ‘Till Undeath” and was the story of a woman visiting her zombified husband in…

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The Creator – feel familiar?

I watched new movie The Creator last night and was struck by how many of its elements were reminiscent of other films. I was perfectly pleased with the plot, visuals, characters and action and found it to be an original, engaging and at times emotional story, but those similarities kept drawing me out of the…

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NYC Midnight Rhyming Story Competition – Round 1

What the heck is a rhyming story? Isn’t that just a poem? I had no idea, but I decided to enter the inaugural NYC Midnight Rhyming Story Challenge anyway. I’ve had success in the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenges in previous years (stroll back through my posts to see my winning entries), so I was…

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The results are in…

(There is a drum roll, it rattles on longer than the nerves can handle, rumbling through your bowels and building like rising water until you wonder if you will ever be able to breathe again…) Annnnndddddd… I didn’t win! Not even the top 10. I’m not sure where I placed outside of that, as only…

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Construction zone

This website is being renovated! It’s a work in progress for now, but if you take a peek around you’ll find new content, including the first chapter of my latest novel. And there is more to come very soon – stay tuned!

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“The ‘Burbs Are My Ghetto” – More writing success

For the first time in a long time, I entered the Australian Writers Centre’s Furious Fiction competition. I’ve had some luck before, and am proud to say I was long-listed for the major prize once again in October 2021. You can read my story, The ‘Burbs Are My Ghetto, by clicking on the link you…

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Ghost Cities

Earlier this year, I wrote about my first round entry into the 2021 NYC Midnight Short Story Competition. I wasn’t overly happy with my submission. I loved the premise and the setting, but ran out of time. It felt very much like a second draft. Luckily for me, the judges liked it enough and I…

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The Wait

A little bit has been happening over the last couple of months. First up, I’ve just submitted my entry into round 1 of the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge. You may recall I’ve had success in this competition in the past. This year I was tasked with writing a ghost story featuring an exchange student…

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