Signal interrupted

Where have I been? You may have noticed it has been months since my last post. I would love to be able to reveal that my silence was because I was on a highly classified government mission to deepest Antarctica, or I that I finally took part in that round-the-world blimp race I’d always had…

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The Masters Series – Episode 3: The Snow Fox

To start 2018, Matthew is writing a blog series on masters. Not revered historic figures, but everyday people in the modern world who excel at what they do, whatever that may be. Each will teach us a little about how we, too, can pursue our own version of greatness. What better way to kick off…

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I’ve taken a break

Literally. In October last year, in rather innocuous circumstances that are not worth asking about, I broke my wrist. I had no idea. For months I carried the injury around, continuing to use the painful wrist, thinking it was only a sprain. I could type, I could swim, I could even do pushups (but probably…

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The Masters Series – Episode 1: The Blind Magician

To start 2018, Matthew will be writing a blog series on masters. Not revered historic figures, but everyday people in the modern world who excel at what they do, whatever that may be. Each will teach us a little about how we, too, can pursue our own version of greatness. What better way to kick…

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Crazy Houses of Canberra

My family and I are looking to buy a new house. It was a hard slog the first time we did it nearly a decade ago, so I thought there was a good chance we were facing another long, monotonous, dispiriting experience. In many ways I was right. In one surprising way I was very,…

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Thor: Ragnarok – A spoiler-free review and analysis

Taika Waititi was a surprising choice of director of the third movie in the Thor series, Thor: Ragnarok. Primarily known for his quirky, feel-good comedies—most recently the surprise hit of 2016, Hunt for the Wilderpeople—Waititi does not seem a natural fit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But it works. And not only does it work,…

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A 30-foot tall story in eight words

Ever tried to write a story in eight words? That’s what the Queensland Writers Centre has challenged you to do, and if they like it, they’ll put it on a billboard! And not just any billboard, but an extensive network of digital billboards across South-East Queensland! A few have already made it, plastered in orange…

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The Spam I Get

This website gets a lot of spam. Most it is in Russian or is trying to update me on the latest developments in erectile disfunction management, but sometimes those spam-bots are just downright friendly. For example: ‘You are a very intelligent person!’ – Abet Spzoo Thanks, Abet Spzoo. The internet can be a quiet and…

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Readying the Dead

The winners of the 2017 NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge have just been announced, and I am pleased to announce I am one of them! Sort of. My final story landed me an ‘honourable mention’, sufficient for a handful of minor prizes, but just outside the cash. I’m totally excited about the outcome and proud…

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